Saturday, December 13, 2008


Jandon and I have been in Utah for the last 4 we knew what it was like to have snow and cold and that all that fun stuff. Well, we had our second storm in Spokane yesterday and honestly I never remember Provo feeling even close to this cold! Our weather report even says things like "bitterly cold, and frigid"! The streets are like ice! I am so glad that I am done with school for a few weeks so I don't have to walk across campus in weather like this! I am also glad that I go to Portland on MONDAY!! I am so excited and I will be even more excited when Jandon finishes his final on Thursday and can come too!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


In less than two weeks I will be in Oregon! Poor Jandon has another week of finals after I am he will be joining me a couple days later. I just have to get through the next week and a half!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

14 Days!

I just calculated and I have 14 days left of school until the term is over! I also just calculated and I have 8 test in between now and then...yes 8!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Picture Tag

Thanks Kristen for the tag! I had to pick the fourth picture in the fourth folder, and here it is. This is from over the summer when I watched the Spencer kids. Gotta love dipped cones! They sure were messy.

I tag: Emily, Michele, Mom, and Valerie!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm Back

I had a wonderful four day weekend in San Francisco. Emily and I had tons of fun between Ghiradelli, late night movies, not so late night movies, shopping, making cookies, and playing with Sadie. And yes, Sadie is still adorable.

Thanks Emily--I was so proud :-)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I think this picture sums up yesterday. I talked to Jackson (the youngest) on the phone last night and he told me that he wanted "Barack Obama and McCain to win". Way to go Spencers for supporting yesterday (I wore my Obama shirt too...)

I do have to say that the story Obama told last night about the 106 lady was pretty amazing. To think that in her lifetime she was unable to vote because or her gender and her race--now she gets to see an African-American president. Pretty incredible.

P.S. Jandon (Scott) does not approve this message.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008


I heard this song like over a year ago and loved it! I tried to look for it, but it wasn't even recorded yet--now it is finally a single. Love It!

P.S. Jagged Little Pill was the first CD I ever owned.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pencils Down!

Things have been pretty crazy lately. I have never been on a quarter system before, and I will just say very rigorous. Lots of tests all the time over lots of material. I had two tests this last week and I have two tests this week. I have been successful so far--which makes for all the more pressure.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lucky Much

I went to school today (and a little unwillingly--I think I got too much sleep, so I didn't want to get out of bed at all). I went to my first class--cancelled. Oh well, more time to study for my upcoming tests on Monday. I went to my second class--cancelled. My last class of the day was a review and I didn't have to go--so I went home. It was a good day.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Buns Are Burning

Jandon and I got a new car this summer and we were very excited because it has seat warmers; this last week was the first time we got to use them and they were...AWESOME! My bum was toasty warm. You didn't any other source of heat. Whoever thought up that idea was a genius!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Honesty Please

I get the following question school a lot: "How old are you?" I think they see the wedding ring and freak out a little bit. I tell them "26" and then I get "Really! I thought you were like 18!!" Do I really look like I am 18?? Like I said already Honesty Please.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I have officially finished two weeks of school! Yeah! I am what one would call a "people watcher" and let me tell you I have seen a lot of weird people in the last two weeks. Maybe the whole living in Provo for the last four years had made me forget about all the craziness out there. Let's just say that I have seen some of the grossest most disgusting clothing on girls--it is so weird to me. And so many people smoke. I have to hold my breath to enter the buildings because there are so many people puffing away. I also do not enjoy newly graduated from High School girls--they annoy me. I have met some good friends in all of my classes so far, so that is the upside. I have study groups with a couple if girls, so that has been a good way to get to know people, but also concentrate on school! I like all of my no problem there either. I have a lot of tests already, so studying is what I will be doing this weekend. Jandon's says I am grumpy when I come home from school (I am sure it is true). I need to just get back into the routine of not having everyday be a weekend! So, that is what has been going on with me and that is what will be going on with me for a long long time!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I Can't Resist

Just like the real interview! I don't know.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sarah Palin On Foreign Policy

I don't know! Seriously, she can't even form a sentence. Can't wait till Thursday!

Monday, September 22, 2008


So, I am posting this from the library at school! I was so nervous that I would be without my computer during the day! But no fear...we are online.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008


So--I haven't had to worry about a Monday for 3 whole months! I have had an endless weekend. Well, this all changes on Monday when I go back to school. I have my whole schedule figured out and it seems to fit with Jandon's pretty well. We will have to figure out when to go to school and such but most of the days we will be in class at the same time. I do have lab at 8:30am two days a week, so we will see how that goes. I have always loved to sleep in and I have gotten used to that this summer.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Need I Say More

I just had to post the cutest picture ever! Sadie in her new "end of summer swimsuit" She needs to come visit me and soon!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Decision 2008

I am sure that the fact that I am not working and I haven't started school yet is one reason why I am so caught up in all the election news up to the minute. I don't think that I have ever even watched a second of the conventions before! I just want to know what you guys think. You don't have to say who you are voting for--I just want some feedback. I am trying to be an informed voter. I do have to say that I am appalled at McCain's choice of Palin for VP! All the controversy following her is crazy! It will all be very interesting the next 2 months I am sure.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I've Decided...

That I really like Spokane! Yeah. Jandon and I have done some fun things since we are both together here for the first time in a month! We have found our way around (most of the time) the downtown area is so fun and there is so much to do and see in a very close proximity. It is nice to live so close to a real city again. (Sorry to everyone in Provo) Our apartment is wonderful. I almost have the old lady smell all the way gone. LONG STORY! The weather has been great...not too hot not too cold and it even rained yesterday and is supposed to rain tomorrow. So, I have decided this is going to turn out all okay! I don't start school till Sept. 22nd, so I have got a few weeks to hang out. The most exciting thing is Valerie and Brendan are coming out the weekend of my birthday! We are going to have so much fun and then they will want to move here too!! Wishful thinking...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Batman Again...

Jandon and I went and saw The Dark Knight today at the IMAX theater downtown today and it was awesome. We saw it with Jaden right before he went on his mission and loved it! Jandon loved the Joker and thought he really made the movie. If you haven't seen it yet--you must. (Unless you get scared easily. And no kids!! I couldn't believe how many little kids were there today. It is just pretty intense.)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Going Home

I am getting ready to go back to Spokane tomorrow! I think this is the longest I have lived with my parents since before I got married. It has been really fun and we have stayed busy. Emily and I picked blackberries yesterday and they were delicious! We got chased by a horse at the same time and that was not FUN. I don't know why Emily and I are so afraid of all the animals here! You can tell we really grew up in the city! I did collect an egg from the chickens yesterday and I was pretty proud of myself for that victory!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Aren't They Adorable!?

6/30/08--The twins! Julia Lynn and Dallin C Berg. (Geoff and Kaye)
7/2/08--Sadie J Kane! (Emily and Andy)
8/8/08--Peter Niel Mitchell (Jerem and Amy)

It has been so fun to have all these new babies come this summer. Especially since I have quit my job and just been able to hang out with them and enjoy their cuteness!! Sadie even got to ride in the car with Jandon and me when we came back to Albany from Portland. She was so good the whole time! She is smiling a ton and has the cutest dimples! I will have to get a picture of that too! We were also here for Dallin and Julia's blessing which was so fun. All six of us siblings were there! They were so good and just slept the whole time. Peter was born only a couple of days ago, but we were able to see him on his birthday!! We went to the hospital and he has the cutest blond hair! They are all so adorable and we are so glad that everything went well for everyone involved!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

My Mom is the big "60" this year. I can't even believe it. I am so glad that I live close enough to my parents to be here for her special birthday. By the way...I have the best MOM!
Don't you guys love the high quality bibs they used in the 80's...aka dishrags!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tisk Tisk

Okay, so I have been a horrible blogger! I have had a lot going on, but at the same time nothing going on. I was in 6 states in the matter of 3 weeks. I am back in my old hood of Provo right now. I can honestly say when I first moved here I couldn't wait to get out of here and move on with life. Jandon and I had some of the best times here and I think we both enjoyed our experiences here a ton. I am excited to start a new life in Spokane, but I can still miss my old life too, right? Jandon and I will be heading to Portland shortly to see Jaden before he goes on his mission. I can't believe how times flies. When Jandon and I started dating Jaden was barely 11! I can't wait to see baby Sadie--baby Dallin--and baby Julia when we go to Oregon too! So fun to have so many sweet babies all at the same time.

P.S. I remember why Jandon and I never moved when we were living in Provo--we hate moving all of our stuff and then unpacking! It is a pain!

P.S.S. I love Diet Coke

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Babies...More to Come


Geoff and Kaye welcomed their new babies yesterday! We have been waiting for them and are so happy that everything went well and Kaye was able to have them both naturally!! Little Dallin and Julia look so cute in their pictures and I can't wait to see them this weekend. As I write this my sister Emily is in labor trying to get her little girl out! All these babies oh so little time to visit all of them!

Monday, June 30, 2008

We Are Here!

I have finally made it to Spokane. It was a long trip, but with the help of Michele we were able to get here. We are about 90% moved in--so that is good. I need to put all my clothes away. You never know how many clothes you have until you have to move them. (and to think of all those mornings before work and I couldn't find anything to wear) I am sad to leave Provo, but I am excited to be here. We are closer to family so that is exciting. Our new apartment is much bigger than our last one. Our 2nd bedroom is already our office. Jandon has his desk and I have mine. It is good that he has a place to go and study and not be bothered. He is already studying hard and has a midterm on Thursday. I am going to register for my classes tomorrow! Scary!

Friday, June 20, 2008

My Week!

Lunch at Red Robin! They love to make silly faces! Yes, that is my 12 year old niece and we look the same age! What is the deal?!

Hayden and Madison. I had to bribe them so they would sit closer to each other for a picture!

More silly faces! They had a tickling contest to see who was the most ticklish!

Laughing Contest! Madison won and was almost undefeated all week.

I have had a good time in Redding. Michele and Gavin will be back sometime tonight. They have been flying home from Europe all day, so they will be very tired I am sure.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Medium Anyone?

I have seen High School Musical and High School Musical 2 like 5 times this week. The kids love it. I hate to say this, but they are actually really cute movies. Madison loves Gabriella! She will try and do the dances and it is so cute!

Can't Think Of A Catchy Title!

I don't recommend things very often, because I don't want people to hate me after they see it and then hate it!! I just watched JUNO again and I loved it even more. Yeah, there are the few things they could have gone without, but I just loved the story and I love Michael Cera! He is the cutest!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Jandon and I will NEVER have a dog. I use to consider myself someone that liked animals. We always a had a dog when I was growing (both had the same name and Teddy is the only animal to this day that I LOVE) I am sorry to anyone who reads this and has a are a better person than me. As I am writing this I remembered that I left Jake (Michele and Gavin's dog) outside for the last hour!! That is another reason that I shouldn't have a dog!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

I am in Redding celebrating Father's Day (with my Mom) I hope that my Dad wasn't too lonely without all of us. Hope everyone has a good Father's Day, but especially mine! (even though he never reads my blog!)

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Why is this show so hilarious? I have already watched the series once and decided to give it another try. All of the characters are so funny. If you haven't seen it--you must!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


We are getting closer and closer to leaving! At this point we have about 60% of our apartment packed up. Jandon has been doing a really good job. I think I have packed like 3 boxes. We are getting really excited. Our apartment in Spokane is actually above ground, so we will see how we adjust to the sun shining through the windows! I think I might have some trouble sleeping in the way I do now. We are the front condo and don't have anyone leaving above us or below us!!! Yeah! I think we deserve it after some of the annoying people we have had above us. Jandon is so excited because we have a garage too. We have had to park on the street in our apartment now, so that will be a good change too. We are trying to convince all our friends and family that Spokane is a fun place to visit so we can have some company.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

4 Years!

2008 in Spokane!

Summer of 2007

Summer of 2006

Summer of 2005

Wedding Day May 27th 2004

Yesterday Jandon and I celebrated out 4th anniversary. I think we have changed a little bit in 4 years (or at least my hair did)

Monday, May 26, 2008


Some of you know that Jandon has been kicking around the idea of changing his name. He gets very annoyed because he always has to say his name several times before people understand it and even after that they end up calling him something else. He has also been mistake for as a madam or miss over email correspondence. So I guess enough is enough. We had thought that the move to Spokane would be the most convenient time to make the change! We went to our new ward yesterday and Jandon officially introduced himself as "Scott Mitchell" all day. I had to catch myself to make sure I called him Scott when people asked me about my husband. So, congratulations Scott!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bloggers Cramp

I don't really have anything to say I just wanted to get a post up here to show everyone that I actually am awake before 8am. I get teased for posting things very late at night (that is because I am my mother's daughter and I have to stay up at night) it is I am awake and yes I am tired!

P.S. We are off to Spokane today and we will be celebrating our anniversary there this weekend. Hopefully we can find a place to live while we are there also!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Barack gives the Top Ten


Friday, April 25, 2008


Jandon graduated! It was so fun to celebrate this with all of our family. Thank you everyone who could come. It was so awesome to see him graduate and especially because I know how hard he has worked towards this goal. Law School here we come...just to let everyone know Jandon has been accepted to Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. He accepted their offer and so Spokane here we come. (unless he hears from another school he wants to go to more, but we will see) More details to follow!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Birthday!

I'm always late getting these up but I wanted to say Happy Birthday to Michele. Too bad her birthday isn't at the most convenient time of year. I hope that Amber ended up making No Bake Cookies, so you had something to celebrate with!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another Congrats!!

Jaden got his mission call today! He is going to be serving in the Santiago, Chile Mission. We are excited because he will finally learn Spanish for reals! Congratulations Jaden!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Congratulation Eryn on getting the Vice Principal position at Lakeridge HS!!! They are lucky to have you and I am so proud of you. I am very excited for you and wish you all the best.

Monday, April 14, 2008


I am not one to be super compulsive. I am a tad (a lot) of a home body. The one thing I do love to do though is to go and visit my family. This tends to be the one guilty pleasure that I have and the one thing that I tend to spend the most money on. So without further ado my latest splurge: I bought a ticket to go to Redding for musical and I am so excited. Almost everyone is going to be there and I can't wait to see Les Miserables. I am very excited to see those Spencer kids!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Conference Weekend

We have had a good weekend. We got tickets to conference on Saturday, so we went to SLC and got to enjoy it in person. I figured that we should go in case we move this summer and not have the opportunity to go again. Jerrick got us tickets and we got a little mini "tour" of where everything happens after the session. I have decided that I really enjoy watching church on TV. It is just so relaxing to stay in your pajamas and have breakfast food!!! I made dutch babies today for the first time and it was good. I hope that Jandon liked them too.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April Fools

I have never really thought of April Fools Day. I just don't think to do anything and I don't really think of anyone doing anything to me. Well, for those of you that know why I have been working so much is because our state survey is due anytime! It makes my heart beat faster just thinking about it because it is a very stressful and scary thing to go through. Well, Tuesday morning I was woken up by a call from Rock Canyon. (it is policy that if state shows up all department heads have to report to work ASAP) Some employee thought it would be hilarious to tell everyone that state was there. Which ended up with the frantic call to me at 7am! Moral of the people heart attacks is not a funny April Fools joke!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Two Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to Jackson and Edward. I know I am a couple of days late, but I didn't forget! I wish I had a matching picture of Edward to go along with Jackson, but he wouldn't pose for me! We will have to work on that. It was so cute when I called Jack because he got on the phone and I wished him a Happy Birthday and then he replied "Happy Birthday to you Angela!" He was very excited to wish it to me back. I hope everyone had a good time and got to eat some good cake!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Jandon is graduating in less than a month! Yeah! We are both very excited and can't wait to get this last semester over with. Jandon has always loved school, but he for sure has some senioritis this semester. My parents and his parents will both be here, so we are excited for that too... I would be excited for a trip to Mexico, but someone wouldn't let that happen :-) We are still waiting to hear back from law schools and we will let everyone know when we know (hint hint--don't stress Jandon out anymore than he already is by asking)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I have been waiting for this stupid strike to end and now I am just waiting for all the good shows to come back on. I just finished watching the 3rd season of The Office and I seriously forgot how funny it was! Sorry Jandon, but I love Jim and Pam. I just found out that the first new episode will be on April 10th and it is called "Dinner Party" see it just sounds funny already!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's March...

You know what I love about March is GIRL SCOUT COOKIES. It is the best time of year. I ate so many cookies at work today it was ridiculous. One of my employees was like "did you know that there are 1200 calories in 3 cookies" and I wanted to say "does it look like I care that there are any calories in anything?" I didn't...I was nice. I love the tagalongs the best and always save those for last!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Gag Gifts

I know I know Christmas is long over, but somehow Jandon and I lost our pictures that we took from Christmas (I blamed it on him--he didn't even remember taking any) Well, we both got very interesting presents from an unmentioned giver this year. Jandon opened his first present of the year and it was a junior tool set (like it was really made for a 10 year old) Nothing could top mine though...a dog bed. As you can see from the picture not a small dog bed either. Well, I don't have a dog (probably will never have a dog) and it smelled like cedar chips. It was funny, but we weren't quite sure what to so with the gifts afterward.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New Car...Again

It is official--we will get our new car in 4-5 weeks. They special ordered the car that we wanted, so we are just waiting for it to get to Provo. For those of you that don't know we bought a new car in August and we had some problems with it, so it was declared a "lemon" and Chrysler has to replace it. We are getting some upgrades on the new car and they are actually paying a couple of car payments also, so we feel pretty good about it. It was annoying to deal with it, but now that we are getting another new car it doesn't seem that bad.

Monday, March 3, 2008


I totally did not want to like this kid, but how can you not after hearing that song? I really didn't think he would be as good as he is.

Good Choice/Bad Choice

You know when parents talk to their kids and they will give them two choices. Most of the time one of the choices is an obvious good choice and the other choice is the obvious bad choice. well, today I had the choice to take a short nap or a long nap. Well, of course I took the long nap. Jandon and I slept for about 4 hours! Well, now I am paying the price for my bad choice because now I can't sleep...oh well, tomorrow is just Monday morning.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Heart Will Go On

We all had one and don 't even try to deny it. My huge celeb crush was Leonardo DiCaprio when I was a freshman in high school. Ever since I saw Romeo + Juliet it was true love, but my obsession grew once Titanic hit the theaters. It was hilarious last night because Geoff called me and told me how he was at the Celtics game and he was sitting 4 seats away from Leo! He said he took a picture for me. I am glad he thought of me and how his little sister was so in love with Leo when she was younger.