Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I think this picture sums up yesterday. I talked to Jackson (the youngest) on the phone last night and he told me that he wanted "Barack Obama and McCain to win". Way to go Spencers for supporting yesterday (I wore my Obama shirt too...)

I do have to say that the story Obama told last night about the 106 lady was pretty amazing. To think that in her lifetime she was unable to vote because or her gender and her race--now she gets to see an African-American president. Pretty incredible.

P.S. Jandon (Scott) does not approve this message.


J said...

Holy crap! It's Jangela!!!! Hey shoot me an e-mail so i don't have to post my personal life on your blog. Why are you living in Spokane? Do you carry a gun?

Valerie said...

I like that you had to put the disclaimer about Jandon/Scott. Made me laugh. Hopefully he'll come around by January 20th.

ekane06 said...

Seriously the best picture ever. Hurry up and get here!

Davin said...

Way to stay strong Jandon!

Unknown said...

Neither would Dave! Your little niece is super cute! I wish you guys were in Utah so we could hang out next week!