Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Camp Goodtimes?

I have been looking into the Eastern Washington chapter of Camp Ukandu and I found out the cancer camp here is like less than 3o minutes from my house! I finally decided to ask for more information. I will always love Camp Ukandu, but it was time for me to "spread my wings". We will see what this brings...I am not sure about the name!? Oh, and they allow the kids to bring a friend with them if they don't have an eligible sibling...that is pretty cool!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

This is us in Coeur d'Alene...it was freezing!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Go Ahead...Quiz Me!

I have my bone test this coming week, so I have been looking at this guy for the past week. I even went up to the lab today! It was very overwhelming at first but I know everything now! Now I just have to spell everything correctly!

P.S. I can totally remember the Obturator foramen thanks to Emily!