Monday, October 6, 2008

Honesty Please

I get the following question school a lot: "How old are you?" I think they see the wedding ring and freak out a little bit. I tell them "26" and then I get "Really! I thought you were like 18!!" Do I really look like I am 18?? Like I said already Honesty Please.


Alisha said...

It's that clean Mormon living! Sometimes I look at recent pictures of myself & think I still look 18. I forgot to wear my wedding ring when I took the babies to the grocery store on Saturday. I swear people probably think I'm some teenage mother. Oh well! We'll appreciate it when we're 50 & look 35!

Janae said...

I totally think you could pass for 18. I wish I still looked 18. I'm going to be 27 in a couple of days and I'm starting to feel very old.

Scott Jandon Mitchell said...

If you grew a beard, you'd look older. It worked for me.

ekane06 said...

Please don't grow a beard.
Maybe 19.

Fred said...

I would say 34.

Sarah and Doug said...

Enjoy looking younger than you are. Seriously! You may not look 26, but I think you look more mature than 18 thats for sure.

Valerie said...

You don't look 18! You look young (which you are) but not fresh-out-of-high-school young.

Scott Jandon Mitchell said...

Val, I loved your hyphenation of the phrasal adjective. Your education has served you well. :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry I get it all of the time at school also. People really freak out when I tell them that I have 4 children. That is always fun to see their expressions. You will be glad when a lot of your friends are getting wrinkles and you are not. Life is good.

Lisa said...

I get the same thing all the time. I get really weird looks when I'm at the store with all 3 of my kids - I think people think I'm some high schooler who can't control herself.

Just think how wonderful it will be when we're really old and don't look nearly as old as we are!

Scott Jandon Mitchell said...

I think you look 18. Fred looks like he's 12.