Sunday, April 6, 2008

Conference Weekend

We have had a good weekend. We got tickets to conference on Saturday, so we went to SLC and got to enjoy it in person. I figured that we should go in case we move this summer and not have the opportunity to go again. Jerrick got us tickets and we got a little mini "tour" of where everything happens after the session. I have decided that I really enjoy watching church on TV. It is just so relaxing to stay in your pajamas and have breakfast food!!! I made dutch babies today for the first time and it was good. I hope that Jandon liked them too.


Grandma said...

I am glad you got to go to conference! I would like to be able to do that sometime. But I have to agree that I like watching conference on TV, too, in my pajamas. It was a wonderful conference! I had trivia questions for my seminary class this morning, and it was fun to see that what they learned, too.

Sarah and Doug said...

Super cute picture of you guys!

Valerie said...

That is such a cute pic of you two! Thanks for letting us partake of the dutch babies as well... delish!

Anonymous said...

Did you enjoy being one of the cheesy couples that takes their picture on the grass at conference. Pretty fun. Can't wait for you to come out and see us in a few weeks. It will be awesome. Be sure to pack some shorts, you may just get some sun while you are here.