Monday, July 30, 2007

Test Drive

Jandon and I are on our way out the door to go test drive a few cars. We have to get rid of Cherokee, because of the transmission, so we have been on a quest the last week to try and figure out what kind of car to get. Hopefully after tonight we can have a better idea of what we want (well, we know what we want, so I guess what we can afford) We are looking at the Nissan Versa and Sentra, Volkswagen Rabbit and Jetta, and Jeep Liberty. Anyone have any advice let us know!

Friday, July 27, 2007


I was on my last walk through today before I left work to make sure everything was ship-shape. I walked through the doors of the locked unit and there was blood on the floor. As I turned the corner there was a huge path of blood going all the way up the hallway! I have never seen so much blood in my whole life! It was just pools and pools of it. It really liked the scene from a horror movie where someone was just stabbed to death or something. (We have a guy on dialysis and he always takes the clamp off his arm before he is supposed to, but it was so much blood it was ridiculous!)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Shopping Spree

Today for my "lunch" I was sent on a little errand for my boss. We got a present for our DON because she is old and she works hard and we like her. My boss had to stay in the building, because we had some workers from the medicaid office...anyways...she sends me to the mall to get something from Bath and Body Works and then a pedicure. Well, the only petty cash she had was a stack of fresh $1's. Yes, she sent me to the store with a stack of 100 $1 bills! I go to the pedicure place and get the coupon. The lady looks at my money as I take it out my purse and she says "You work bank?" It was funny. Of course that always makes me rememeber..."How long come...?" "How long done...?" (Emily remembers that story)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Holiday

Even though it is too hot, too muggy, and too sticky there is one good thing about Utah in July. We get an extra holiday!!! Jandon has the day off from school and I have the day off of work. We aren't doing anything exciting, but it is just nice to have an extra day off. The Days of '47 parade was in SLC today...we watched a little on TV, but it is nothing like The Rose Parade. (oh, and I have mentioned that it too hot to be outside)

Monday, July 23, 2007

AMM #5

Get past the first minute and then you can see the dance. I thought this was the coolest dance ever and how fun would it be to be able to dance like that!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Snake on the Porch

So, anyone who knows me at all knows how much I like creepy crawley things!! I don't even like ladybugs...they give me the whillies. Last night Jandon and I came home and I was walking down the steps to our front door there was a snake. It was huge. By huge I mean much bigger than a small gardener snake. I start yelling of course and then that makes Jandon a little irritated. I am stuck outside, because I am not walking down the stairs by the snake. Jandon goes inside to go get something to kill it with and he was inside for so long. I call my Mom and she was laughing at me over the phone as I am freaking out. She said Kaye got a snake out of her laundry room once. (that story did not help, because then I thought about snakes being in my laundry room) Finally Jandon killed the snake with a hammer and disposed of it. I was going to put a pitcure of a snake with this post, but I couldn't let myself look at a picure of a snake. YUCK!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

"Personal Afternoon"

This past week at work was a pretty busy and semi-stressful week. Just lots of little fires that we had to be putting out all week. People were sick, people were annoying, and some people were even dumb. I think we were all happy that it was Friday. So, we were eating some cookies in the afternoon and I look down and there is a melted chocolate chip on my chair...I happened to also have been sitting on one too. I get up and of course it is right in the middle of my bum! It really did look like I had pooped my pants. At first everyone (there were only 3 of us) said it wasn't that bad, but them I smeared it with my hand!!! I go into the bathroom to try and get it off. Let's just say at the end of the ordeal I looked like I had peed and pooped my pants. Needless to say, I got to go home early and start my weekend! (Oh, don't worry the chocolate came out of my pants)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

"AMM #4"

Again, I can't believe Mom let me watch this when I was so young! Remember all those Saturdays when we watched this movie over and over again!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Too Hot

It is true...once an Oregonian always an Oregonian. I really just can't take the heat!!! I get so sticky and so hot and so cranky! I go outside and I just wish for it rain. (kind of like Lazy Jane) I can handle 80, but more than that and I am dying. It really just makes me not want to go outside. I guess it is good that I grew up in a state where it rained 9 months out of the year. Even when it rains here it is still a "dry" rain. The one good thing is the thunderstorms in the summer, but we haven't even had any of those yet! (this is the crankiness setting in if you haven't noticed) I can be happy for one least I don't live in Arizona.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th

Happy 4th of July!!! It is so hot here today I am not sure what we are going to do. We might go see a movie just to be in a cool place. I made these blocks a couple of weeks ago and I thought they were very cute. A girl in my ward is very crafty, so she cut out all the wood and invited a few of us over to make these with her. They had the hot air balloon show this morning. That is always really cool, because there are just tons of them all over the place. Have a fun day and I hope everyone gets to see some fireworks!

Monday, July 2, 2007

"AMM #3"

I couldn't resist...this is one of the funniest scenes between Dwight and Andy.