Thursday, June 21, 2007

1st American Media Moment

Just watch the first 3 minutes of the video (unless you want to watch more) Sorry about the subtitles! This scene was my most favorite of all time! I think all of us remember me watching it over and over again. Then Eryn made me a tape with those REM songs. Good times!


ekane06 said...

That was seriously the best AMM I could have hoped for! I totally remember you watching that clip when you were 6 years old, like 100 times in a row! Awesome.

Michele Spencer said...

Good choice. I can't wait to watch next weeks.

eryn said...

Of course we all remember Angela watching it over and over and over again. I mean it was sad and all, but five million times. In other news, you have all inspired me to do my own web blog, so keep an eye out, I'm entering the internet.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe I let you watch that show when you were so young.