Friday, January 18, 2008


I cannot tell everyone how annoyed I am at the strike! Can we please get some good TV back. I feel like FNL is the only show with new episodes!! I can't believe there have been no new Office episodes forever. It is getting really annoying, so maybe it means I need something else to do in the evenings...but it is so darn cold!


Valerie said...

I love the word "scab"! Is there a better word? I think not. You're too funny and I can't wait for the strike to be over too!

Lord Stanley 2 said...

Holy crap!! of course i remember you!! i tried to look you up when i got back to school but you were history...... soooo whats shakin lady???

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap who is Lord Stanley. I of course and suffering along right with you Angela.