Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm Over It

I have decided...that I am so over my blog! I thought it was just a little phase that started a few months back, but it keeps persisting. I have always been bugged by the blogs that were only updated like once every month or so, and now I am one of them! I have done a lot of fun things this summer and we are loving it here in Spokane I just don't have the desire to blog about them. So, I guess we will see what happens...


Alisha said...

I totally understand the feeling of being over it-- but I'd be sad if you quit your blog all together because i feel like it's the only way I keep in touch with you! Will you at least join Facebook or something (if you haven't already)??

Valerie said...

You are not allowed to stop blogging. I forbid it.

Scott Pot said...

I agree with Valerie. And I will represent her in enforcing her edict.