Sunday, June 28, 2009

What the heck?

I have seen a lot of advertising for the movie 'My Sister's Keeper'. I liked the movie a lot. It is for sure a tear jerker throughout the entire thing and of course more so for me given my history! I made Michele go with me even though she knew she was going to cry the whole time too. I had read the book about 4 years ago or more, so I didn't remember a lot of details about the book, but I sure did remember the ending. Well, for anyone that read the book--prepare to be surprised when you see the movie! They completely changed the ending! It was so weird. Another reason why I always like to read a book first before I see the movie! Another thing...I normally HATE Cameron Diaz as an actor but she was surprisingly really good.


Brittany said...

Hey Angela, I finally started a blog so I just wanted to let you know. I saw the movie sad! So what are you studying in school? I'd love to catch up.

Grandma said...

I have read the book now--and cried and cried. So, now I can see the movie and cry some more.