Thursday, October 30, 2008


I heard this song like over a year ago and loved it! I tried to look for it, but it wasn't even recorded yet--now it is finally a single. Love It!

P.S. Jagged Little Pill was the first CD I ever owned.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pencils Down!

Things have been pretty crazy lately. I have never been on a quarter system before, and I will just say very rigorous. Lots of tests all the time over lots of material. I had two tests this last week and I have two tests this week. I have been successful so far--which makes for all the more pressure.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lucky Much

I went to school today (and a little unwillingly--I think I got too much sleep, so I didn't want to get out of bed at all). I went to my first class--cancelled. Oh well, more time to study for my upcoming tests on Monday. I went to my second class--cancelled. My last class of the day was a review and I didn't have to go--so I went home. It was a good day.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Buns Are Burning

Jandon and I got a new car this summer and we were very excited because it has seat warmers; this last week was the first time we got to use them and they were...AWESOME! My bum was toasty warm. You didn't any other source of heat. Whoever thought up that idea was a genius!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Honesty Please

I get the following question school a lot: "How old are you?" I think they see the wedding ring and freak out a little bit. I tell them "26" and then I get "Really! I thought you were like 18!!" Do I really look like I am 18?? Like I said already Honesty Please.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I have officially finished two weeks of school! Yeah! I am what one would call a "people watcher" and let me tell you I have seen a lot of weird people in the last two weeks. Maybe the whole living in Provo for the last four years had made me forget about all the craziness out there. Let's just say that I have seen some of the grossest most disgusting clothing on girls--it is so weird to me. And so many people smoke. I have to hold my breath to enter the buildings because there are so many people puffing away. I also do not enjoy newly graduated from High School girls--they annoy me. I have met some good friends in all of my classes so far, so that is the upside. I have study groups with a couple if girls, so that has been a good way to get to know people, but also concentrate on school! I like all of my no problem there either. I have a lot of tests already, so studying is what I will be doing this weekend. Jandon's says I am grumpy when I come home from school (I am sure it is true). I need to just get back into the routine of not having everyday be a weekend! So, that is what has been going on with me and that is what will be going on with me for a long long time!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I Can't Resist

Just like the real interview! I don't know.