Monday, August 20, 2007

Vacation after a Vacation

All in all our vacations were very fun! Camp was very exhausting, but it is always a good time! I will post pictures soon. I got back in town yesterday and I had been feeling a little on the sick side, but not too bad. Jandon and I went to bed fairly early and I woke up in the middle of the night and both of my eyes were glued shut!! I am pretty sure that I have pink eye in both eyes! Horrible. i had to go to work this morning, because I hadn't been there forever and I have a lot to do by Friday. I brought all my work home with me today, so people don't get "the pink eye". We had a new boss start today, so that made me nervous about my situation! He was cool about it and kept asking me when I was going to go home. (that made me feel better) I am going to see the doctor this afternoon and hopefully all will be better!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Oh no! Angela, I know how you feel though- I had pink eye during college one year. It's more annoying than anything but still not fun to have. Get better soon- Brendan misses you guys!